After putting the crayfish in the 20 gallon (80 Lt) tank the crayfish was behaving for few days. They angelfish laid eggs on a leaf. Sadly I wasn’t prepared to breed those so I let them go. 80% of the eggs spawn and a little tale could be seen moving on each eggs.
The crayfish then start removing some plants, the ones I just put last week, that have weak roots. And making holes everywhere. The water also is getting dirtier that with the other fish. The absence of the Plecostomus has all the plants growing algae on it.
The Blue Crayfish don’t attack the angelfish at all. But I will have to remove it because is damaging the tank.
In a 10 gallon (40 Lt) with just stones it will be better. I may consider to add some cichlids. I have read that they do well. (Anglefish are cichlids too)