Saturday, June 7, 2008


Just a little update. The crayfish died about a moth ago. I guess it was it time becasue the water was always cleana nd there was plenty of food.

The angelfish are doign fine and we just introduce a small plecostomus.

In the big acuarium the plecostomus died so it was replaced.

We went to Chile for two months and when we came back I was amazed to see that the tanks where looking clean yet. Either way I clean them and changed water. Having bigger filters that what the tank really needs is very good idean.

It is summer here and is getting very hot. we have AC btu even though the water is about 78 in the day. I guess I can put some ice cubes sometimes uh?

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Crayfish catching some fish

Aquariums are a piece of nature, a chunk of the habitat its dwellers lived. As it is, some creatures eat meat and others are vegan, and we have the responsibility to feed these creatures with the food they are used to, because that will ensure they are healthy and happy.

We are keeping a crayfish in a 20 gallon tank, and the only things that was doing was trying to escape, as you saw in the last video.

Just before we are leaving to Chile, we decided that would be much healthy to left the crayfish with some other fish, because just seen movement around and other fish will help to dis-stress the crayfish for a while.

So now is very busy trying to catch those fish. The following video was taken right after we drop the fish there so she was very hectic, but after a while, Calipso, as we named it, catch a fish (not shown in the video) and consumed it in few seconds.

I’m glad that was quick, and didn’t left half fish dying slowly.

So this is the nature way.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Crayfish escaping by the filter

This is the last video for the Crayfish, we are leaving in 2 days to Chile for two monts.

Bye Crayfish

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Leaving for 2 months

All the fish we introduce last time died, except for the 4 gouramies and on plecostomus. The rest are gone as the water was poisonous. The problem is that I had to put the fish right away in the tanks as the quarantine tank is been used by the crayfish.

Next Wednesday Im leaving in a two months trip and there are an infestation affecting the platies in the big tank. Most of them had died and the survivors are whit fungus. I made a 90% water change and clean the bottom, so I hope they recovered and resist for the 2 months.

I put the 4 neons I had with the crayfish in the 20 gallon tank, along with the scalars. There are many plants in that tank so they may be ok. There is no fish to clean the plants, so when I am back I may find the sword with black leafs.
