Saturday, June 23, 2007

Corydora with cotton fungus (Saprolegnia)

Today, in the 20 gallon tank, we found this Emerald Catfish (Brochis splendens) infected with some kind of fungus. Looks like cotton but is coming from inside the fins. Tomorrow we will get a small tank and separate it to treat with salt.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Angelfish laying eggs (Pterophillum scalare)

This is the scene we found today. We got just one pair of angelfish months ago and we got the luck to see that they are a couple.

Sadly this time we can't grow those eggs as we don't have the space and the time. But for the future it's good to know we have a couple of pretty angelfish.

In the other tanks we found some Platy fry, even in the small tank that it is very crowed. In the big tank they will have more chance as there are a lot of places to hide.

Mommy don't eat me please!!!

Monday, June 11, 2007

55 Gal update after two weeks


It has been two weeks since we put fish in the new 55 gallon tank. The second day a otocinclus died. May be the potassium permanganate we used to clean the plants from snails before putting them in the tank. Otocinclus goes sucking everything, and a plant not well rinsed could have been poisonous.

The Seachem pH tester definitely is not working. I surrounded with the pH issue. The tap water here has a very high pH and using buffers to low it will stress the fish more as result of changes when we change water than let it high. Two big pieces of driftwood should low the pH naturally.

florapride About one week ago I though to put Tetra FloraPride. Was not a good idea as I spent a lot of the product and still I am changing water often. At the second day the water was all green. Fearing of a algae bloom I decided to change 50% water three days after.

Now can be seen little light green dots in the tips of the mosses. That means that it gives a boost to the plants.

Here are some pictures of the aquarium today.

IMGP3871 IMGP3870

Soon we want to buy some tetra neons to quarantine and then add to the aquarium. 

Friday, June 8, 2007

Aquarium Imports store in Birmingham, Al

Today we had to go to Birmingham for monkey business, so we got the opportunity to visit a independent store there.

Aquarium Imports is a big store that offers a lot of salt water fish and live coral. They had many freshwater plant and fish too, and call our attention that most of the fish where big (adults). The prices are normal and is possible to find some rare specimens.

Here is a video showing some of the salt water fish.

Aquarium Imports location:

1941 Hoover Ct # H
Birmingham, AL 35226
(205) 979-0840

Monday, June 4, 2007

Collecting Otocinclus affinis in their natural habitat

Amazing video that show how Otocinclus Affinis are collected in their natural habitat. This was recorded in Venezuela and they claim to had collect about 2,000 specimens.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Injured Platy

This platy was attacked by an angelfish. It was moved to the 10 gallon tank and now it is bother by a guppy.

We put two salt spoons in the water to help recovering.