Sunday, November 18, 2007

Blue Gourami (Trichogaster trichopterus)


Also: Three Spot Gourami, Opaline Gourami.

Family: Osphronemidae

Characteristic: 5 inches (12 cm),females smaller with rounded fins.

Tank and water: 42 Gallons (160 Liters), Ph 5.5 - 9.5, 72 - 81°F (22 - 27°C)

Care:  In aquariums filled with many structures. They like floating plants, loose plantings along the sides and roots. Feed flaked foods, especially green flakes. They like various live and frozen foods. Place only one pair in 3.5 ft (1-m) tanks.

Habits: Often found in standing, many times cloudy waters in Indonesia and Malaysia. They can be found in rice fields as well.

Compatibility:  With Asian bottom fish (loaches, catfish) and calm barbs, danios, and rasboras.

Personal note: The males can chase each other. They are peaceful and like to touch each other with their fins which look like downward pointing "antennas".

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