Aquariums are a piece of nature, a chunk of the habitat its dwellers lived. As it is, some creatures eat meat and others are vegan, and we have the responsibility to feed these creatures with the food they are used to, because that will ensure they are healthy and happy.
We are keeping a crayfish in a 20 gallon tank, and the only things that was doing was trying to escape, as you saw in the last video.
Just before we are leaving to Chile, we decided that would be much healthy to left the crayfish with some other fish, because just seen movement around and other fish will help to dis-stress the crayfish for a while.
So now is very busy trying to catch those fish. The following video was taken right after we drop the fish there so she was very hectic, but after a while, Calipso, as we named it, catch a fish (not shown in the video) and consumed it in few seconds.
I’m glad that was quick, and didn’t left half fish dying slowly.
So this is the nature way.
Wow, what is wrong with you? Poor Fish. It's not natures way, because all the fish are in a small tank and they can't escape. It's kind of sad to see people like you enjoying killing animals and filming it for their enjoyment.
I think I need a aquarium, it would probably sooth me but then I would probably end up killing all the fish.
Hope your trip is going well. :)
Miss you both!!! :)
Anonymous: Crayfish eat fish how is that unnatural. It's like telling a shark to be vegetarian.
Really like your blog. I put a link in my aquarium blog to your blog. I hope you don't mind.
I have a 47 gallon fresh water aquarium. I have a Salvini cichlid and a firemouth cichlid.
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