Sunday, April 15, 2007

Angelfish (Pterophillum scalare)


Also: Scalar

Family: Cichlids

Characteristic: Length up to 6 in (15 cm), height up to 10 in (25 cm). Hard to sex.

Tank and water: 40 gallons, pH 5.5-7.5, 77-85 F (25-29 C)

Care: Keep as group in loosely planted tanks, furniched with large-leaved plants and roots that protrude into the tank from above. Feed various frozan foods, mosquito larvae, and dry foods of high nutritive value.

Habits: Peaceful group fish found in larger, usually clear bodies of water in Amazonia. "Stands" quietly among roots and plants. Pair-forming open spawner.

Compatibility: Larger characins (no neon tetras), catfish.

Personal note: Are difficult to keep whit small fish, like platy, because are very territorial. Not difficult to breed if you get a couple. They are often target of fin nippers like Tiger barbs.

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