Today we went to a pet store to buy a new power filter for the 10 gallon aquarium. It was one of those kits that came with everything, but the power filter that came wiht it really sucks. The water was cloudy all the time, even if it was changed the day before. So we got a Tetra Whisper 20. In the 20 gallon we have a Tetra Whisper 30 and it works perfect.
We also got a new decoration, designed for aquariums. The one we had before was for reptiles. It was very cool but it was hollow with very poor ventilations for the water to circulate inside.
So the 10 gallon aquarium is redecorated. We put the amazon sword plant in the big aquarium as the loach was eating it.
The java fern in the picture was moved to the other aquarium as well as it was too near the light, and it is a shadowy plant.
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