Sunday, April 15, 2007

Emerald Catfish (Brochis splendens)

Also: Emerald Cory

Family: Callichthyd armored catfish, Callichthyidae.

Characteristic: About 3 in (8 cm), males are slimmer.

Tank and water: 40 gallons, pH 2.5-8.5, 74-81 F (23-27 C)

Care: As a group in tanks with a large surface area and some large-leaved plants and roots as shelter. Sand substrate in parts. Feed food tablets and frozen small crustaceans. 

Habits: Group fish found in slow-flowing, shallow, often muddy waters in the Amazon area, South America.

Compatibility: Peaceful companion for all South American fish of the same tank region, such as discus, angelfish, characins, and "root-dwelling" suckermouth armored catfish (Ancistrus species).

Personal note: They are busy little worker fish that stay at the bottom of the aquarium usually. Note: The emerald cory or catfish has a longer dorsal fin and that is how you can tell it apart from the very similar looking Bronze cory.

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