Sunday, April 15, 2007

Platy (Xiphophorus maculatus var.)

Picture from AquaNet

Family: Livebearing toothcarps,Poeciliidae.

Characteristic: About 2.4 in (6 cm), male has copulatory organ.

Tank and water: 15 gallons, pH 6.8 -9.5, 70-77 F (21 -25 C)

Care: Lively group fish for loosely planted tanks. All smaller foods. Plant foods. 

Habits: The wild form lives in groups in flowing lowland waters of Central America, where it eats vhiefly algae and animals found in the algae.

Compatibility: Can share a tank with all fish species that are not overly large and have similar water requirements.

Personal note: Our blue platies are very active fish. We have observed that our male guppies constantly pursue the female platy for mating.

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