Sunday, May 27, 2007

55 Gallon Aquarium

Volume: 55 Gallon, 208 Liters
Size: 48 inch (122 cm) x 20.5 inch (52 cm) x 12.6 inch (32 cm)
Lightning: 2 x 30 Watt (T8 7.500 Kelvin)
Lightning time: 12 Hours
Heater: 200 Watts
Temperature: 79 F (26 C)
Filter: Tetra Whisper 60
Water pH: 6.5
Substrate: Eco-Complete Plant Substrate
Plant suplement: None
Set up date: May 25, 2007

Decoration: 2 Pieces of Mopany Driftwood




Update log:
July 07, 2007
March 18, 2009

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ABSOLUTELY STUNNING! just let it fill in and it will look even better! i think if you were to put a red tiger lilly a little off center, towards the front of the tank it would bring together you two little "islands" of driftwood!