Friday, April 20, 2007

Moving Angelfish and Clown Loach with a little ick

Today we moved the two Scalars to the big aquarium. They look very comfortable there and they look pretty. I noticed some light blue and yellow lines in their dorsal fin.


In the small aquarium, that's supposed to be for hospital, are the 5 guppies, the 2 emerald corydoras and the clown loach that later may clean the big aquarium of its snails. We haven’t moved it yet because it needs a place to hide and in the big aquarium there already is a plecostomus. I don’t know if they will be all right together.

I was looking at the small aquarium and I discovered 3 white spots on the loach. I think it is ick, again. The bad thing is that the loach cannot be treated with chemicals, so I will have to be changing all the water every 2 days with the temperature increased.

I hope it is well. I think they are very delicate.


Anonymous said...

Michelle... ick can be treated... if you have a Petsmart close by just ask someone in the fish dept for a bottle of ick.. also aquarium salt will condition the tank too... regular cleaning of the tank every month will keep your tank also clean but will keep from ick coming back... on fish food... if you do buy the large flake food make sure you crumble it a little so you won't have to clean the filter every week....

Anonymous said...

also you need to pair that play w/ another b/c they do get lonely w/o a mate...